History of Landmark Home and Land Company

History of Landmark Home and Land Company

Show Notes:

History of Landmark Home and Land Company.  The desire to design a custom home specifically for each customer’s needs and building site. Custom plans for lifestyle and building sites.  Review of Landmark Home and Land Company’s reputation for exceptional customer service.


Interviewer: Hey everyone, and welcome to Episode 36 of the Panelized Prefab Kit Home Building Show. With me in our studio is the President and Founder of Landmark Home and Land Company, a company which has been helping people build their new homes where they want exactly as they want across the nation and worldwide since 1993, Steve Tuma. Steve, how are you doing?

Steve Landmark: Hey, it’s always good. We are having a great day and again, a busy day working at some cool projects.

Interviewer: Good. Well today, I thought we do something special and talk about the history of Landmark Home and Land Company, the early days of the company way back in 1993 and before and how things went from the ground floor to the success you’ve seen over the years with panelized home building and all the way to where Landmark is now and where you plan on taking it. So let’s start with the early days. The company is actually a family venture I believe, is it not?

Steve Tuma: Right. My brother and I, Mike, started the company in I believe October 13, 1993. It was an idea that we developed as we realized that people were renting homes for a long time and not moving out of them or they’re always planning on getting a home, doing something, but for some reason they didn’t. So we are trying to figure out why. Sometimes they thought they were going to move, a lot of it was they couldn’t find what they wanted and some of these older communities or rural communities or even in metropolitan areas are – there just weren’t houses that they wanted. So the motivation wasn’t always there to move. So what we did is we started helping the people develop the process so that they could go get a house using modular systems. And what we eventually found is at that time the quality wasn’t there. Much less you couldn’t really get the person the house they wanted. So a price might be OK. The quality wasn’t where it should be, but they couldn’t get the house that they wanted. It’s kind of like a car, just pick a car. Which one do you want? You can’t really do any changes to it.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: So what we evolved into was let’s sort out a way where these people could build a house that they wanted. So we figured a system out with the panelization system and working with owner/builders, we determined that this gives the people the flexibility if they want to be involved with the building, know the quality of the home, make it the way they want, put finishes in the way they want, and then also take advantage of the labor that they can provide themselves or friends and family or opportunities that they can develop by getting materials in different ways. They were able to control the cost. And what we noticed from that is there was a higher level of satisfaction. It’s basically they were getting what they wanted.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: So Mike and I just worked regionally in the Midwest and it has spread around and then a customer called and said, “Hey, can you help my brother in California?” Someone else said, “Can you help a friend in Florida?” So we grew to a nationwide opportunity so we were then able to help people design their homes. Now obviously, you get in different areas, Florida, California, Colorado, New York, there are different concerns, different snow loads, different wind speeds with hurricanes, earthquakes, different soil conditions. So that’s when we started providing a higher level of architectural services and structural engineering so that we can then go through and make sure that the people are able to get permits where they want to build because there’s a lot of intricacies to these details. It’s not just, take some wood, cut the wood, nail it together, and make a wall and finish the wall and before you know it, you’ve got a house. There are a lot of code issues, a lot of Building Department issues. And ultimately, what we found the most rewarding for our customers is actually understanding their project. So instead of just saying, “Hey, let’s put a furnace in the house or an air conditioning system,” why were they doing that? Did it help with the energy consumption? Does a bigger furnace necessarily mean your house is going to be warmer? It’s not always the case. I mean it might be warmer but your energy bill is going to be higher. So what we found is just the nature of the way we were, we wanted to truly help people and develop a process that was good. What we found is that people actually appreciate it because generally, the information isn’t there. A lot of times, people would call someone and say, “Hey, can I get help with this?” And they’ll say, “Yes, that’s what you should do.” They don’t explain why. So when someone is spending the money, they don’t understand why. They don’t understand the structural concerns. They don’t understand the site planning situations. They may not understand the energy efficiency thing. So what we found is that by supporting people, being in a sense is a resource to give them quick and accurate information, they were able to build houses that they enjoy a lot more. They understood why something was done a certain way and they were proud of it. So that’s a quick evolution of how we evolved into a custom panelized home company that also does full architectural and structural engineering in different details. And we have been here since day one.

My brother and I have been working on it since 1993. We worked with every single customer and make sure that they are all taken care of. And that’s the key element is the customer service, the person understanding what they choose to do, owner/builders are naturally inquisitive. They are choosing to do this because it’s just a passion that they want to pursue. Sometimes it’s financially-driven, sometimes it’s just because they want to be involved with the designing of their home. So our evolution has gone to providing more and more services and details to support our customer. Well, I forgot to say, about 2010, ’11, ’12, we also got international projects. So we have grown from an operator in the Midwest to – across the country and around the world. I jokingly tell people we will be going intergalactic pretty soon or interplanetary. But that’s probably a few years down the road.

Interviewer: But that’s pretty interesting how you guys have taken the business from more than just a local kind of thing when you were – you were probably thinking starting like most of us do, starting a little smaller and all of a sudden, here you are and you are worldwide, not just nationwide. That’s very cool.

Steve Tuma: Right. Well, the cool thing about is we basically just listen to what the customer is asking for. So we didn’t come up with this great idea of, “Hey, let’s tell people about energy codes.” It made sense to but customers were also asking, “Now, they don’t necessarily ask about, “Hey, how do I do energy codes?” They said, “How do I know it’s sufficient. They wanted to know the end position. So we were able to get the technical side of it to get it put together.

So that’s the key element is the growth and innovation of how we’ve been able to help people through just taking care of the customer, the simple situation. Take care of the customer.

Interviewer: It’s a great analogy what you said about the – you can’t just walk on to an auto lot and say, “This is kind of – I would like car but I would like to change this.” I mean you …

Steve Tuma: Give me a better trunk at 6’4.

Interviewer: You can do that on a limited basis. Maybe you want different wheels or whatever. But I think that’s what one of the attractive things about panelized home kits is that you pretty much can change what you want as the building. It would be like walking into a factory and building your own car. It’s pretty amazing.

Steve Tuma: Yeah. You brought something else up, the family operation. Mike and I have been doing this for 25 years. He is my brother. It’s our blood, sweat, and tears. We work on this every single day and help through the process. So it’s not a situation where you’re going to call someone and tomorrow they are not there. We have been here for 25 years, since ’93. I’m sure we will be here a lot longer. We have an interest that’s – it’s kind of interesting. People ask us, “How many homes have you helped people build?” And I really can’t remember. I wish I counted them. It would be very interesting. But it’s a lot of homes. But it just – when someone calls back, 10, 15, years later and says, “Hey, I want to do it again.” They would be like, “Hey Steve, what’s up?” It’s kind of cool.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Steve Tuma: So to know that if you need something in a year or two or three or five or ten down the road, we are going to be there.

Interviewer: That’s pretty amazing. What about your background, your education? Did you study business mostly or architecture or anything like that in school or was this just something that intrigued you and decided …?

Steve Tuma: It was all of those. It was – I’ve always been intrigued by interesting buildings. I did study architecture and also business. That’s an important part of it but the reality is, there’s a certain passion and desire. I think it’s cool when people build their house and understand it and live there. It does something to their lifestyle.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: It does something to their attitude when they design their kitchen, when they design the windows to take advantage of the view, when the kids get to design their room or game room or basement or playroom or family as hobbies or a lot of our customers’ different hobbies that they share. So that’s actually the key drive is we just have an interest. We live in neat places and we kind of think that if someone designs their home and is proud of their home, the quality of their life is stepped up. So it’s not just a move to say, “Hey, each kid has got a bedroom,” it’s an environment. And I think that’s important. Make sure they are comfortable in the home. Make sure the home is properly positioned down the lot. If they’ve got a more unique building site, make sure the house is positioned to take advantage of the uniqueness. So it’s pretty cool. It’s the difference of just living in a simple box compared to something that’s yours.

Interviewer: You and I had talked about before, your dad was an executive and he had to travel a lot for his job and I guess most of the time he just took you guys and the whole family and pack up to foreign countries. And I wonder how much influence living in different countries had on you the way you look at architecture.

Steve Tuma: Well, it’s very important because different cultures live different ways, different backgrounds live different ways. You even go in older, older communities in Europe, they didn’t have cars and semi-trucks so the roads are skinny. But then you look at the evolution of safety even things like running water in buildings, if you look go into very, very old buildings. So it is kind of interesting to see why certain codes have developed certain ways or the way people have lived. In older homes, there are dining rooms. In modern homes, there are great rooms and there probably isn’t a dining room. There might be a big screen TV for gaming or computer center or something else.

So it’s interesting to see how the evolution of the home designs had come together in the way that people use them. I would say it’s in the last 30, 40 years where things have really taken a big hit. You take the dining room, older homes always have an eating area.

Interviewer: Sure. Yeah.

Steve Tuma: Now there might be a little nook or a snack bar. There isn’t always a dining room for 12 type of a thing. So yeah, having an understanding and a perspective of different situations always helps. We’ve got a variety of customers from all over the world with different backgrounds, building in different conditions, so we are extremely understanding if people want to have a certain situation because that’s the way they work. I mean some of these are relatively simple. People have pets. Sometimes in the mudroom, they want a little shower for the dog. We’ve had people that have equestrian properties so they have a tack room in their house. They could come in, put all the stuff from the horses right there and change – shower up and change into house clothes. So it’s kind of interesting to see all these things, to see what people do to make it their home to enhance their life.

Interviewer: It has almost come full circle because 300 years ago, sometimes the animals actually lived in the house.

Steve Tuma: We were working in a project. It was in the Middle East and they wanted a door for a camel. I was like, “Sure!”

Interviewer: Yeah. You know what, if that’s what they want, yeah. It’s funny how from culture to culture, we look at people and we think what they do is strange and they look at us and think what we do is strange. But when you live the-

Steve Tuma: To each their own.

Interviewer: Yeah. When you live the lifestyle, it’s just what you live.

Steve Tuma: But some of those, I mean what I mention there is an extreme but Steve, imagine if you were an executive in a crowded metropolitan area, your house would be a certain way. Well, if you took that exact same person and said, “Hey, let’s do your fishing house in Alaska,” that same person is going to have a completely different house.

Interviewer: Sure. Yeah.

Steve Tuma: You’re going to be fishing, taking photographs, enjoying nature, bringing nature into your home a lot more than with your city house. So it’s kind of interesting of how that can enhance the lifestyle as well.

Interviewer: That’s funny. Well, yeah, interesting stuff, man. But it’s fascinating to me that you guys, you had so much of your life growing up in various areas and how you brought all of that knowledge and all of that experience into this company. It’s pretty cool. It’s good to see.

Steve Tuma: A lot of our customers are of similar situations. Some of them have stayed more regionally in an area. Others travel and have homes in different countries. So whatever we can do to help, we will do it.

Interviewer: Let’s talk about the history of panelized homes. Is there a unique history to that? I mean I had heard – I’ve heard some things. I heard that Frank Lloyd Wright had a home kit system. And tell me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Sears actually have home like panelized kit homes for sale in their catalogs early on?

Steve Tuma: Yeah, that’s what’s interesting. Now, they weren’t exactly panelized. They hadn’t done the production line. They haven’t done the efficiencies that we brought into it. But Frank Lloyd Wright wanted to develop a – he called it American System Built Home, something – so a home of a good lifestyle, a good design for the typical person. And there are still some of them standing. They are very historically significant. He was working on that, getting everything put together but then the war came along and the resources couldn’t be put towards housing and to be there to defend the country. So yes, he was one that originally tried to figure out how to bring the organic designs and good design to the everyday home. Sears did have the home. They had kind of precut components where they would deliver all the materials and then you would assemble it. It wasn’t panelized. They kind of had standard plans as did Frank Lloyd Wright.

Interviewer: Sure.

Steve Tuma: So what we’ve done is kind of understand the process. And a lot of this has happened if you look at Henry Ford with the production line. If you look at the way smartphones are made and different shoes are made, couches are made, they are made on production lines. So what we have been able to do is create a custom home that is built on the production line by the panelization process. So you can still get the custom home but take advantage of the production line. It’s kind of the best of both worlds. So the concept of a packaged or kit home or whatever someone would like to call it has been there for a while. The way we have evolved it to tie in the architectural design, structural design, your own custom design, and panelization is pretty unique. It’s something that isn’t readily available to have all of those put together. So that it would go through. So we’ve kind of taken the concept and added on to it so it’s a better package for an individual or small developer to move on with their home building projects.

Interviewer: Let’s talk about the company for a bit, the actual heart of things. You were just talking about what makes you guys unique. Well, let’s get into that. What does make Landmark different? I mean what sets you guys apart from other panelized home building companies and what is the competition out there?

Steve Tuma: Well, here’s the situation is I think the basic difference is a “get it done” attitude and understanding of people’s desires and a desire to really, really help and develop it. I guess passion and customer service would be a quick way to get something put together. We have a great product. We have great people doing the design work and engineering so that the package is there but making sure that it’s put together in the customer is taking care of it properly. That’s the important part because every customer is different. Every building site is different. Every building department is different. So you can’t just go in there and say, “Hey, follow – do these two things,” and magically your house will appear. You’ve got to really go through to make sure it’s taken care of. So that’s a key component of it is just paying attention, doing what you see, answer the phone, take care of customer. That I think is the key element that we have along with an excellent design, engineering, and manufacturing process for the panelized home. You bring up competition, which is interesting. The reality is, the competition in today’s world is just the nature of where people live. It’s not necessarily that someone else is doing what we do. It’s the existing home or people’s ability to develop the finances to build the home because things are getting more expensive, Building Department regulations are tightening things up. So it’s more a situation where the quote competition even though it isn’t competition, the competition is really just the challenge of a customer being positioned to move ahead. Do they have a piece of land? Do they have the financing? Do they have the understanding of what’s there? Because you get into some markets, they are different. You can go into some areas where you can go buy a 2500 square foot home for $100,000.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: You’re just not going to build it for that. If the community is $100,000 community and you come in and you build a new one for more than that, the bank find it, it’s not going to appraise right. So that’s more the situation of just positioning these projects so that it’s viable. That’s the challenge as far as what we are able to do. I believe we are unique. We are going to continue to be unique and we are going to do things in the future that I think will be more helpful to people so that they see the value that we provide.

Interviewer: Well, you brought up the fact that your customer service is something you guys have pride yourselves on. So let’s get into Landmark’s reputation. I mean you guys are a company that strives to make customer service a top priority. Was that something you set as a goal early or did you learn that that’s the way to do business?

Steve Tuma: Well, that was the goal and intention early on because that’s the only way to grow. You can advertise, you can do this, you can do that. The reality is, is if someone is happy, they go tell a friend and when that friend is ready to buy, hopefully they will call us. And they do. And people do build more than one home in their lifetime, so they will come back. We have kind of looked at it, the simple golden rule, treat people the way you want to be treated. And none of us want to call somewhere and get a message that says, “Call us back in three days if you don’t hear from us.” None of us want to get a standard answer from someone that doesn’t even understand the question.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: So that’s why we work to get – listen specifically to the situation and then work with the customer to get the positive outcome. So it’s actually just something that’s ingrained in us.

Interviewer: Sure.

Steve Tuma: That’s just the way we think. It’s the way we do it.

Interviewer: And you talk about your family travelling when your dad had to travel. I’m sure your dad kind of cemented a lot of these values in your brain, which is …

Steve Tuma: And my mother definitely.

Interviewer: And your mom, yeah.

Steve Tuma: That’s the biggest component of it because if someone understands doing the right thing, they understand it.

Interviewer: Sure.

Steve Tuma: It’s not always a trained situation. And that’s what we strive to do is go through and make sure everything is done right. If something needs to be adjusted, we jump on it right away and get it taken care of.

Interviewer: That’s great. Speaking of moms, I’m sure you know thing have been changing fast over the last 20 years and I’m sure early on, you guys probably saw when you first started a lot where it was more the men who were out there buying the plans and designing. But have you seen a real up growth of women, single women, women together, single moms, have you seen that in the company where people are calling you, women are calling you and saying, “Hey, I want to build a house?”

Steve Tuma: Oh, definitely. It’s a definite change where they might be driving decisions more. There’s always the stereotype of, “Oh, she wants this and she wants that.” Well, the reality is a lot of people, both men and women, are understanding the processes. They are seeing the benefits of this. They want to be involved. These are owner/builders. They choose to do this. They want to do it. It’s a passion. So yes. And it’s not just something the stereotypical, “Oh, please make my bedroom pink.” No. They are getting into design. What’s the structure? “Hey, I have horses. I drive a big truck. Is my garage big enough for my big dually so that I could put…?” So there’s a lot of concern for this. So there’s a lot of people, both men and women, that are building houses for their elderly parents or they are building a house to combine families together so the parents could live with them. So I would say it’s a growing portion. I would say 20 years ago, it was 99% driven by the male. I would say now it’s somewhere in the 60%.

Interviewer: Wow! That’s amazing. That’s a great growth. That’s something.

Steve Tuma: Well, what’s interesting is just the lifestyle, the shift in the attitude, the shift in how it works, and the coolest thing is that people are happy.

Interviewer: Sure. Yeah.

Steve Tuma: They are building their home. They are working together. Suddenly, it’s their home instead of his home or her home, whatever the situation may be. So there’s a – and it’s really a benefit for us to help people because then we are able to get them the house that they want.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Steve Tuma: With our ability to just plans, if someone has one of those big, long trucks to tow horse trailers and they need a 30-foot deep garage to park the truck and work around it and in a cool morning be able to load the truck up, do everything in the garage and go, that’s easy to change on paper. We are better off doing that than having to pull your truck out. We’ve got people with active lifestyles. Some people want to load the kayak and canoe on top of their SUV the night before so that they open the garage door, they leave. It’s not like, “Hey, let’s pull the SUV out then load it.” No, they want to wake up, take a shower, have their coffee, and hit the road. So a lot of these things that I’m talking about and design changes, people are probably thinking, “Oh, I want my bedroom bigger. Please add a window.” No, this is stuff that can enhance your lifestyle. If your kids are into gaming with big surround sound systems, you might want installation in your master suite so you can sleep.

Interviewer: Yeah, home theaters are a big thing now.

Steve Tuma: Right. So the design things, I’m not saying it’s necessarily simple things like, “Hey, make the dining room bigger, add a kitchen cabinet, do stackable wash and dryer,” I’m saying stuff that’s an enhancement to someone’s lifestyle just like our cars are getting more technology in details so it’s easier to drive or more enjoyable to drive, the house design is doing the same situation.

Interviewer: I know firsthand as you’re a friend of mine that Landmark takes up a great majority of your time. But do you have other interests in the business world or it seems to me that Landmark is like it’s your baby. It’s where you put the majority of your energies.

Steve Tuma: Well, it’s interesting because some people will ask, hey, do we have hobbies? And what’s weird is they are tied into it. I like technology so I try to figure different ways out to communicate with customers or them to communicate with us or work with us to get our ideas across. I kind of enjoy different things like that. As you know, we have the production studio to do the different animations so that we can better portray it. So it’s kind of wrapped into the business but it’s cool stuff. There are people – we have actually worked with customers that have their own sound studios in their house. It’s a hobby or maybe they are in the entertainment industry. So that’s kind of how it is. So it is a passion. It takes a lot of time but it’s also a lot of fun. It’s pretty cool.                                                                                                                                                          This isn’t something we are building a house is the same as it was last year or 2 years or 5 years or 10 years ago or 20 years ago. Just our customer’s base that changed, the challenge is that each of our customers want in their home where they aren’t ready to take care of them. We are getting more people where the families, two families, two generations are coming in one home. We are getting more and more people that are building family compounds. Type of a situation of a piece of land that has been in the family for 100 years and now the three kids get together and say, “Shouldn’t we build that house where we all get together on the holidays and spend time together?” So this isn’t the same thing. It’s different every single day. It’s exciting.

Interviewer: Yeah, I can imagine.

Steve Tuma: And we got a great variety of customers with different backgrounds, different interests, different budgets, different building sites. It’s a lot of fun.

Interviewer: And you were talking about the animations earlier. If our listeners go on the Landmark website, you will see all kinds of cool videos and really informational stuff and everyone should know that Landmark does all that stuff pretty much in-house. So it’s – you’re truly is a one-stop shop, the Landmark. You were talking about customers just now. What type of customer is a Landmark Panelized Home Builder? Go through the average person who calls you up looking for help.

Steve Tuma: Well, I would say none of the customers are average. They are all just deciding to build the home. You’ve got to understand the management of it. You have to have the desire and to think it through. It’s not necessarily broken down by an economic or certain background or education. It’s more driven by the desire to live in a house that they like, to know that the space is what they want and the building site and do it at the right price. People don’t like overpaying for contractors. They all, whether they are building a $100,000 home or $5 million home, they all have to work within a budget. It just how many zeros are behind it. So they understand the value of the money but they also understand the value of getting it done right.A lot of people say, “Hey, I’m going to buy this old home and renovate it.” Well, renovating a home is harder because you don’t know what’s behind that wall you are pulling apart. You don’t know what’s under that floor system. Building new, you’re getting new. And financially for them, they have seen the savings of building the home and energy efficiency also on the reduced costs that that savings over the life that as long as they are going to live in the house could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in construction interests, energy bills, different details like that. So that’s a key situation of – it’s also a financial move, a comfort move, a get-what-you-want-for-the-money-you’re-spending move, a pride of ownership, and also just the enjoyment, the human fulfillment of saying, “This is mine and I did it.” So it’s driven by that. We’ve had customers that I don’t know for sure – I want to say that they are in their low, low 20s. And then we’ve had customers up until 78 years old.

Interviewer: Wow!

Steve Tuma: Different economic backgrounds, different education backgrounds, different life experiences, sometimes the people haven’t travelled as much, sometimes people have travelled a lot and they are saying, “Hey, I’ve seen it. This is where I want to be.” So it’s really just driven by the desire to have a cool place that’s yours.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: So it’s interesting. There really isn’t a filter for that. It’s just a desire. It’s just – I want to do it. That’s the way it is.

Interviewer: What do you see is the future for Landmark Home and Land Company? I mean where do you guys see yourselves as a company in two or five or ten years from now?

Steve Tuma: Well, as I joked a little earlier, if there’s a chance to build on the moon or on Mars as we are all hearing about, we would like to be there. The reality is we are going to listen to the customer and sense what they need and put it there so that we are right at the wave or step of a wave on what people need. So we are going to be pushing more into energy efficiency, sustainable processes, green items, unique designs, and then also just methods of building or designs that allow a person to have a house at the right price. There is a different trend on people wanting simple is more type of a situation and designs. So I think that’s what we are going to be doing. We are going to be making sure that we do everything that our customer understands what’s going on with their home project and how we can support them. And if they do have a particular need, we are going to do everything to get it taken care of. A lot of our learning is us coming up with ideas but also, an incredible amount of it is a customer saying, “Steve, have you ever done this?” And sometimes we will be like, “Yeah,” a bunch of times. Other times, we will be like, “Wait a second. Let’s talk about this.” And what we do with customers like that and it’s a lot of fun, we just do it. We figure it out. We don’t charge extra. We say, “Hey, this is it. We are going to go through and do what – the customer that wants to go and do something unique, let’s go do it.” If you want to build a house on piers over a rock cliff, taking advantage of the best sunset the world has ever seen, let’s do it.

Interviewer: Right.

Steve Tuma: By the way, we have a house like that going.

Interviewer: That’s great.

Steve Tuma: So that’s what it’s about. So I think what it is, is keep the energy going just to have fun doing this and help people so that they tell their friends or they come back a little bit down the road. So theoretically in ten years, we will have probably 5, 10 people from this 10 years calling us to build again, maybe more.

Interviewer: When you think about it, you were talking about maybe moving out, maybe even building on Mars. The International Space Station, that’s kind of a panelized kind of deal, isn’t it?

Steve Tuma: Yeah, it’s kind of moduled. But the point about it is – what’s funny is you and I have digital equipment and digital watches because what was is, 50 years ago, they stepped on the moon. So the idea is that those technologies will drive things the way they take care of heat, the way they take care of cool that will eventually funnel down. So our ears and eyes are open for things like that because we want to have stuff that makes sense but also works in the budget. Sometime there’s this really cool stuff but it’s just so expensive that people don’t buy it. So we are watching for the makes sense move so that our customers are taking care of properly and using the money properly.

Interviewer: Sure. Well, this has been great. I think we learned a lot today about just who Landmark Home and Land Company is and why contacting you guys would be a good idea for any new home builder. So we are going to close up this episode of the Panelized Prefab Kit Home Building Show by having Steve fill us in on just how to get a hold of them over there at Landmark.

Steve Landmark: The best way to do and we don’t have our lunar office opening yet but the best way is just take a look at our website at LHLC.com. That’s basically the initials of Landmark Home Land Company, LHLC.com. You can see us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can also us. I’m available at Landmark@LHLC.com or you can give a call at 800-830-9788. Mike will answer the phone. If for some reason you get his voicemail that he will get back with you right away, he can work with you on preliminary stages and go through. If you would like to talk to me directly, he could pass it on. So we are very interested in getting to know our customers understand the land, what their kind of vision is for the house, and then that allows us to do the best to help them along and have fun along the way.

Interviewer: Great. All right then. So for Steve Tuma and myself, thanks for listening to the Panelized Prefab Kit Home Building Show. We always enjoy providing you with as much great information as we can. So be safe out there and we will see you next time.

Steve Landmark: Thank you.