Our Landmark Home and Land Company Experience

First Porch
Well, here we are on a Saturday morning. Hollywood and Mick are away to other jobs and that leaves Jim and Pat to finish things off with occasional extra help.
Today focused mainly on the porch. Here Jim and Pat are erecting the first 6×6 porch post on a prepared post support tie. If you look close you can see two more supports that have been epoxied into the front of the concrete pad.

Porch Framing
Soon all four posts were bolted to their support ties and braced together ready for the rest of the porch framing process.
Note the long, silver-colored strapping in the background, nailed between the first and second floor. Also, see Elizabeth just peaking out the window – asking more questions, no doubt.

Leveling Truss
Within an hour or so, the first truss is being between a cross-member that has been hurricane-strapped to the top of the posts and a 2×6 nailed to the wall of the house.
Here’s Pat and Jim making sure the truss is set level and true.

Porch Roof Trusses
After that it didn’t take long to get the rest of the porch roof trusses set accurately. We’re almost ready for the 1/2″ ply roof cladding now.
These last pieces of the factory-assembled Landmark framing package fitted our project as easily and accurately as the first.

Sunrise Panel
As the day winds down, Barbie and I decide to see what our sunrise panel will look like as part of the baluster structure in the center section of the porch railing. We like it – even if Barb’s expression shows she’s had enough of holding the dang thing for Elizabeth. Note Jim and Pat showing their best sides.
On to Monday and the fiddly bits that will complete the framing experience!
NEXT –> End Frame